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Soufflé au fromage
a recipe by
a film by
Chloé Ledoux
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50 min
4 people

½ litre of milk
2 tablespoons of fresh cream
4 eggs
60g of butter
50g of flour
125g of grated gruyere cheese
A pinch of nutmeg (add more upon taste)
Salt & pepper

1. Preheat the oven to mark 6 / 180°C and butter a mould.

2. In a pot, melt the butter and add the flour. Mix well.

3. As you stir constantly, add the milk and fresh cream.

4. As you stir constantly, add the eggs yolks, one at a time.

5. Add the grated gruyere cheese and season with salt, pepper and nutmeg. Mix well.

6. Whip firmly the egg whites and add it gently to the mixture (mix from bottom to top).

7. Fill the mould with the mixture, halfway to the top.

8. Put in the oven for 30 minutes. No opening of the oven!

9. Serve the cheese soufflé immediately, otherwise it will deflate!

Born a 6th or 10th of February (she never really knew for sure) in Bonn (Germany), Yaya (real name Huguette de Lavernette) has already celebrated her 90th birthday – and really doesn’t want to celebrate her 100th! Loves walking, chatting, singing obscene songs, having a blast, eating cheese soufflés and feeling the fresh sea breeze. Hates elbows on the table, poorly-made beds, nail-biting, shoes lying around and, above all, walking canes.
Chloé is as a geographer and filmmaker. Loves storms, the full moon, the sea, mangos and brass bands. Would have loved to make this film about her Mutti’s orange cake. Hates capers, injustice, stingy people and idiots.
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