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a recipe by
Munise Bostanci
a film by
Zeynep Dilara
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2 people

1 big onion
2 medium potatoes
1 table spoon of tomato paste
1 cup of bulgur
3 cups of water
1 coffee spoon of salt
1 coffee spoon of chili pepper
1 coffee spoon of black pepper
1 spoon of olive oil

1. Chop the potatoes and onions in small pieces.

2. Add butter in the pot and let it melt. Then add the onions and let them brown.

3. Add olive oil.

4. Add tomato paste and keep it braised.

5. Add potatoes.

6. Wait for the potatoes to cook and after 15 min, add soaked bulgur.

7. Add salt, chili pepper and black pepper.

8. Add water.

9. Let it cook for half an hour.

Munise Bostancı was born in 1952 in Erzurum, one of the Eastern Anatolian cities of Turkey. She ran away from home only with a proposal from her primary school love. She got married and moved to Ankara. A rural person in the big city. While she is living with similar routines of her village life /in their new house/, that is clear to her that she is not in the village anymore. Living in the big city might be an opportunity for her big dreams to come true. But she never got out of the kitchen.
Zeynep Dilara is a feminist filmaker born in Turkey in 1989. She has been a professional writer since 2010 and started shooting movies in 2015. She continues her film productions in the documentary genre and writes for literary magazines. On the other hand she still continues to reach out to young writers on the platform called Yazabilirsin (en. You Can Write), of which she is the founder and content manager.”
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