Grandmas Project is a collaborative web-series sharing the recipes and stories of grandmas around the world, filmed by their grandchildren. Here you can watch films, apply as a filmmaker, explore recipes, share stories about your own grandma – and more.
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If you’re a professional filmmaker or film student and want to submit a proposal for your own Grandma film, please click here to be added to our contact list. We expect to launch a new call for filmmakers in 2023 and will get back to you then. Selected filmmakers have to follow three simple rules:
filming their own grandma
showing one recipe
in a 8 minute film
press quotes
“Talking about food means so much more than talking about food.”
(Français) « Avec ce projet c’est l’envie de partager, de conserver, de transmettre qui aujourd’hui est important. La mémoire disparaît et on en a besoin »
“What’s trending right now is to participate to Grandmas Project”
“It is not only spices and olive oil but memory and transmission”
“Avós são sempre avós, em todo lugar: cheias de mimos, apelidos carinhosos (às vezes a paciência um pouco curta), e muita história para contar”
“An idea both endearing and appealing!”
Grandmas Project is an independent production made possible by you, the crowd. It has been supported twice on Kickstarter (2015 and 2019) and the season 2 is supported by three French organizations: La Ruche qui dit Oui !, Les Petits Frères des Pauvres and Harmonie Mutuelle. We very humbly accept PayPal donations below.
Chaï Chaï Films SARL au capital de 2000 Euros immatriculée 518 316 021 au R.C.S. de Paris
56 Rue Saint Sabin 75011 Paris France
Jonas Pariente
GoDaddy – 14455 N. Hayden Rd., Ste. 226 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 États-Unis
Send us one photo of your grandma (take some time to find or take a beautiful one) and one short text about her (for example about what she means to you, your favorite recipe from here, etc.).